Organizational Skills

As a Binusian students, we were required to have organizational abilities. From the early start, Binus has trained us to develop our soft skills and hard skills. Therefore, by joining an organization, hopefully we could enhance our soft skills.

By default, we were required to accumulate 120 SAT (Student Activity Transcript) points to be listed on the thesis defense. The SAT points itself could be collected through seminar, training, events, and any other positive official activities. This is really useful, because Binus doesn’t only expect it’s graduate to have a good hard skills, but also good soft skills so that it’s graduate could compete in global work.

Binusian Graduate Attributes

Binusian Graduate Attributes

To facilitate the students in developing soft skills, BINUS provides a wide range of UKM (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) which hopefully could improve our soft skills as Binusian. Some of them include UKM Badminton, UKM BASIC (Bina Nusantara Swimming Club), UKM Basketball, UKM BNAC (Bina Nusantara Automotive Club), UKM BNSC (Bina Nusantara Baseball Softball Club), and much more others. I was personally joining the BNCC (Binus Nusantara Computer Club) when the UKM EXPO were held.

Bina Nusantaraa Computer Club (BNCC) Logo

Bina Nusantaraa Computer Club (BNCC) Logo

On the other hand, Binus also had HMJs (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan).  Each department has their own HMJ, and everyone was automatically registered on the HMJ when they enrolled to Binus. I was registered on HIMTI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika).



Thanks for reading! 😀

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